Here they are, long-winded as they may be…. (BTW, these instructions are barely updated from previous years, so if anything is wrong, ignore that part and move on to the correct parts.)
Thank you for volunteering to help at the MMT 100 Mile Run. Here is your massive email giving details about the day at the Camp Roosevelt Aid Station. Don't be afraid of all the information in here, as I just include it all for those few compulsive types who need to know everything that will happen prior to arriving. I will give full details race day.
Before I get to the details I need something from you. I know some of you are working only part of the day, while others are there for the duration. I need to know your time schedule so that I can plan things out. I don't want to be the only one there at either the opening or closing of the station, especially the close. Setting up and closing down does take a bit of work and a few bodies to get done. The Camp Roosevelt aid station is open from 2:45pm to 1:15am, so it is a really long day! Also, we will open before the offical opening time as the runners have been known to get there before the opening time. I will be there and ready a little after 2pm. If you could send me that information it would help my planning immensely. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Again, thank you very much for offering to help those running in the MMT 100. The runners, and I, greatly appreciate you giving up a big part of your day to help at MMT. It is a very difficult race and the runners need our help to reach their goal.
Having excellent aid stations is one of the hallmarks on MMT. The more I traveled the country running ultras, the more I appreciate how VHTRC does their aid stations. It is the volunteers that make these stations as good as they are. Thank you in advance for your help!
on to the nitty gritty:
Station Captain: Jeff Reed, Cell 703 350-2025
Station Open: 2:45pm Saturday
Station Close: 1:15pm Sunday
Location: Camp Roosevelt is in between Luray and Edinburg, VA on Camp Roosevelt Road. It is nice paved roads all the way to the aid station and we have a paved parking area. You can see an aerial view or the aid station location, and get semi-exact, computer generated directions from your address at or the longer, needing to be pasted back together version:,-77.23114&daddr=38.730111,-78.517774&hl=en&geocode=%3BFX_5TgId8ulR-w&gl=us&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=12&sll=38.879274,-77.246246&sspn=0.184948,0.265045&ie=UTF8&ll=38.810821,-78.493195&spn=0.370253,0.53009&t=h&z=11
Station Captain: Jeff Reed, Cell 703 350-2025
Station Open: 2:45pm Saturday
Station Close: 1:15pm Sunday
Location: Camp Roosevelt is in between Luray and Edinburg, VA on Camp Roosevelt Road. It is nice paved roads all the way to the aid station and we have a paved parking area. You can see an aerial view or the aid station location, and get semi-exact, computer generated directions from your address at or the longer, needing to be pasted back together version:,-77.23114&daddr=38.730111,-78.517774&hl=en&geocode=%3BFX_5TgId8ulR-w&gl=us&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=0&sz=12&sll=38.879274,-77.246246&sspn=0.184948,0.265045&ie=UTF8&ll=38.810821,-78.493195&spn=0.370253,0.53009&t=h&z=11
More Info: <>
Due to the new, later position in the race, the food mix will be different for this year. We will have more hot food (soups, grilled cheese, quesadillas, hot chocolate/coffee, etc.) than previous years. The type care needed for this stage of the race is different as well. There is a little more “let them rest – but not too much”, than at a 50 mile aid point. They still have a hard 37+ miles to cover and “nobody ever finished a 100 miler by sitting in a chair!” We will need to employ a little gentle (or not) butt-kicking to get people moving toward the finish.
Due to the new, later position in the race, the food mix will be different for this year. We will have more hot food (soups, grilled cheese, quesadillas, hot chocolate/coffee, etc.) than previous years. The type care needed for this stage of the race is different as well. There is a little more “let them rest – but not too much”, than at a 50 mile aid point. They still have a hard 37+ miles to cover and “nobody ever finished a 100 miler by sitting in a chair!” We will need to employ a little gentle (or not) butt-kicking to get people moving toward the finish.
great point about the new course configuration is that we are very close to the
finish – about a mile away! You can easily get back to the finish to watch the
finishers once our station closes. Last year there were padded mats in the finish area
tent for napping after our station closes – no guarantees
Camp Roosevelt: There is a nice shelter at Camp Roosevelt where the station
will be located, complete with a water supply and toilet. The area is generally
shaded. All in all a great spot for an aid station!
Camp Roosevelt has quite a history, as it was the very
first of the CCC (Civilian Conversation Corps) camps back in 1933. Many of the
roads, trails, and areas used by MMT where built by the CCC. The spot where our
aid station is located is very close to the old camp Mess Hall.
Parking: Camp Roosevelt has a parking lot, so parking is not
an issue for us, but it is a real pain to manage others using the parking
spaces available. Please park to take up the minimum amount of space possible.
I will inform you of any parking directions once you get there.

AID STATION DUTIES: Our job is to keep the runners fed and safe in their 100 mile
journey. By the time they reach us the first time, the day has turned serious. By
63 miles the 'easy' miles are done but they are still not ‘smelling the barn’. Getting
the runners a lot of food and drink to fuel them quickly on their way into the
night is the best thing we can do.
the runners get to our station they will have just done 9.5 miles since their
last aid at Habron Gap. One of the largest climbs of the course (1700+ feet
gain) is also in that section. They will be tired, hungry and thirsty.
our station it is but 5.6 hard miles to the next aid station at Gap Creek. There
is a big, nasty climb in the mille of these miles. For many of the runners, our
station will be an evening station and getting fueled up for the long night on
the trail is critical for these runners. We will have baggies of food for the runner
to take with them on their trek to Gap Creek.
Each runner must be checked in upon arrival and we will have someone assigned specifically to this task. Tracking the runners is one of our most important duties. Knowing where our runners are is critical to the race. We don't want to send search parties out for lost runners who were just missed. There are few rules, but checking in to the proper person is a big one. We have had runners go off course from my station and having accurate records meant we had a good idea where to look for him. (He was found 22 miles off the course!)
PACERS: We are also the location where pacers can start with their runner. Pacers should come to the station pre-fueled and ready to go. On a case-by-case basis, they could eat from the tables to a small degree.
Each runner must be checked in upon arrival and we will have someone assigned specifically to this task. Tracking the runners is one of our most important duties. Knowing where our runners are is critical to the race. We don't want to send search parties out for lost runners who were just missed. There are few rules, but checking in to the proper person is a big one. We have had runners go off course from my station and having accurate records meant we had a good idea where to look for him. (He was found 22 miles off the course!)
PACERS: We are also the location where pacers can start with their runner. Pacers should come to the station pre-fueled and ready to go. On a case-by-case basis, they could eat from the tables to a small degree.
there are changes on runners who are not allowed crews. I will go over
procedures with these "Solo <>" division
runners race day, but WE are the only people allowed to help or wait on them -
no crew means their own or anyone else's crew as well.
Race Day Duties: I will assign duties at the race after assessing the situation. Some
of you have worked a station with me before and know the drill. Basically, we
have food and drink out and ready for the runners. We don't want too much, or
too little on the table. Encourage eating and drinking! We will have cooking
this year as well, so that stuff will need to be replenished and kept warm and
ready to use.
a runner arrives, we pounce on them, filling their bottles and packs, getting
their dropbag, answering questions, and getting them out of the station and
down the trail. Some runners will lounge around, while others are in and out in
seconds. We aim to please, but we also want them to keep moving!
Our goal is to not have runners wait to get served. One problem point has been crews taking up aid station space. We will control access to aid station space for crew people and might have a no-crew area to allow us to best serve all runners. If there are any crowding issues, bring it to my attention immediately.
Another function we provide is looking for troubled runners. If any of you see a runner who is having problems, notify me immediately - while the runner is still in the station! We want to make sure runners are making good choices about their eating and drinking. Strange and unusual things happen to your body during a 100 mile run and sometimes the runner's toughness gets in the way of good decisions. We help them make the right choices and adjustments.
If anyone is having any issues or looks bad, make SURE I know about it! This is very important.
According to the official schedule, our station opens at 2:45 and I will be there about 30 minutes prior to begin setting up. I will know of the race progress from earlier stations and will know about what time to expect our first runner. The early runners tend to have crews but we need to be ready for them anyway. The crews are allowed to use to aid station to prepare for their runner’s arrival, but we don’t generally feed crews. There are numerous nearby food options for them.
DIRECTIONS: Easy to get to, Camp Roosevelt is in Little Fort Valley on Camp Roosevelt Road. Easiest is to come from Rt. 81 to Edinburg Gap. You can head out to the end of Rt. 66, go South on Rt. 81 until you hit Rt. 211 in New Market. Go East from New Market to the aid station. A better, more detailed set of instructions can be had using the 'To here' link on the following Google Maps,
Our goal is to not have runners wait to get served. One problem point has been crews taking up aid station space. We will control access to aid station space for crew people and might have a no-crew area to allow us to best serve all runners. If there are any crowding issues, bring it to my attention immediately.
Another function we provide is looking for troubled runners. If any of you see a runner who is having problems, notify me immediately - while the runner is still in the station! We want to make sure runners are making good choices about their eating and drinking. Strange and unusual things happen to your body during a 100 mile run and sometimes the runner's toughness gets in the way of good decisions. We help them make the right choices and adjustments.
If anyone is having any issues or looks bad, make SURE I know about it! This is very important.
According to the official schedule, our station opens at 2:45 and I will be there about 30 minutes prior to begin setting up. I will know of the race progress from earlier stations and will know about what time to expect our first runner. The early runners tend to have crews but we need to be ready for them anyway. The crews are allowed to use to aid station to prepare for their runner’s arrival, but we don’t generally feed crews. There are numerous nearby food options for them.
DIRECTIONS: Easy to get to, Camp Roosevelt is in Little Fort Valley on Camp Roosevelt Road. Easiest is to come from Rt. 81 to Edinburg Gap. You can head out to the end of Rt. 66, go South on Rt. 81 until you hit Rt. 211 in New Market. Go East from New Market to the aid station. A better, more detailed set of instructions can be had using the 'To here' link on the following Google Maps,
WHAT TO BRING: The current forecast calls for some rain, which is fairly normal for MMT. We do have a shelter for the aid station itself, but bring something that will keep you dry and comfortable. A change of clothes, including WARM ones, should be brought. We have water and a toilet at Camp Roosevelt!
Spray - Yes. We are in the woods.
Suntan lotion - Our station is kind of in the sun so protect yourself.
Real food for yourself - It is a long day to be eating ultra junk food off the table. While we do a lot of that, having real food works much better for us. Bring a real cup for yourself as well, so we don’t use up all the aid station cups over the 12 hours we will be swilling Mountain Dew!
Folding chair - It is a long day and we have definite breaks in the
action and having a seat comes in handy.
Flashlight - Our station closes after 1am and it gets really dark in the woods. I will bring lights, but the more lights we have, even in reserve, the better. A headlamp is best as it leaves your hands free to do other things and helps you be able to get things done, but flashlights are great for finding things in the dark.
Special Food/Drink Contributions - Any other ultra stuff you think the runners might like. I will be bringing a LOT of food and drink, but things like homemade chocolate chip cookies can make a runner's day. If it is hot, a bag of ice and/or some soda are wonderful to have. I will have money at the aid station to reimburse you for these purchases. Let me know what you are bringing so we don't end up with 35 orange sodas. We do have stores closely if we run low, but it is better to have the right amounts. There is a rather good Wal-Mart just up the road, so you can purchase things out there is you so desire.
OTHER INFORMATION: Below is some other information from previous years that might/might not be useful.
1. Cell phones: Cell coverage out there ranges from weak to none, so, if you are on the transplant list or your wife is having a baby you might want to work on an alternative contact system. (Both of those examples have happened.) Anyway, my cell phone numbers for the weekend that you might need: Jeff Reed (Camp Roosevelt Aid Station Captain) 703-350-2025. There is extremely limited coverage in Little Fort Valley where our station resides.
2. Other information that may help you that you may want to print out for yourself from the Web site includes:
A. Last year's splits.
<>. Very helpful for predicting when runners will arrive. This year's course is entirely different than last years, so the usefulness is limited. (If
you set the orientation to landscape, you may be able to fit the width of the chart on one page.)
B. The entrant lists are at:
<> you will get a list, but you might want it sorted a different way. All other numbers are alphabetical.
C. The course records (
<> ) and/or the all time finisher's list sorted by time. (
<> ) Warning, the latter is a long list!
D. Crew instructions. A crew who doesn't have them may want to consult them.
3. Emergencies. The emergency numbers are below. The major purpose of the radio folks is for an emergency, but it is good to have these numbers.
Page County (Luray) Sheriff - (540) 743-6571
Page Memorial Hospital (Luray) - (540) 743-4561
Whew. See you there! Let me know if you have any questions.
Suntan lotion - Our station is kind of in the sun so protect yourself.
Real food for yourself - It is a long day to be eating ultra junk food off the table. While we do a lot of that, having real food works much better for us. Bring a real cup for yourself as well, so we don’t use up all the aid station cups over the 12 hours we will be swilling Mountain Dew!
Folding chair - It is a long day and we have definite breaks in the
action and having a seat comes in handy.
Flashlight - Our station closes after 1am and it gets really dark in the woods. I will bring lights, but the more lights we have, even in reserve, the better. A headlamp is best as it leaves your hands free to do other things and helps you be able to get things done, but flashlights are great for finding things in the dark.
Special Food/Drink Contributions - Any other ultra stuff you think the runners might like. I will be bringing a LOT of food and drink, but things like homemade chocolate chip cookies can make a runner's day. If it is hot, a bag of ice and/or some soda are wonderful to have. I will have money at the aid station to reimburse you for these purchases. Let me know what you are bringing so we don't end up with 35 orange sodas. We do have stores closely if we run low, but it is better to have the right amounts. There is a rather good Wal-Mart just up the road, so you can purchase things out there is you so desire.
OTHER INFORMATION: Below is some other information from previous years that might/might not be useful.
1. Cell phones: Cell coverage out there ranges from weak to none, so, if you are on the transplant list or your wife is having a baby you might want to work on an alternative contact system. (Both of those examples have happened.) Anyway, my cell phone numbers for the weekend that you might need: Jeff Reed (Camp Roosevelt Aid Station Captain) 703-350-2025. There is extremely limited coverage in Little Fort Valley where our station resides.
2. Other information that may help you that you may want to print out for yourself from the Web site includes:
A. Last year's splits.
<>. Very helpful for predicting when runners will arrive. This year's course is entirely different than last years, so the usefulness is limited. (If
you set the orientation to landscape, you may be able to fit the width of the chart on one page.)
B. The entrant lists are at:
<> you will get a list, but you might want it sorted a different way. All other numbers are alphabetical.
C. The course records (
<> ) and/or the all time finisher's list sorted by time. (
<> ) Warning, the latter is a long list!
D. Crew instructions. A crew who doesn't have them may want to consult them.
3. Emergencies. The emergency numbers are below. The major purpose of the radio folks is for an emergency, but it is good to have these numbers.
Page County (Luray) Sheriff - (540) 743-6571
Page Memorial Hospital (Luray) - (540) 743-4561
Whew. See you there! Let me know if you have any questions.
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